Designating a bridge on that portion of Pennsylvania Route 286 over the Two Lick Creek, Borough of Clymer, Indiana County, as the Corporal Louis R. Tate Memorial Bridge.

HB 2254 Designating a bridge on that portion of Pennsylvania Route 286 over the Two Lick Creek, Borough of Clymer, Indiana County, as the Corporal Louis R Tate Memorial Bridge

Pennsylvania 2017-2018 Regular Session

Designating a bridge on that portion of Pennsylvania Route 286 over the Two Lick Creek, Borough of Clymer, Indiana County, as the Corporal Louis R. Tate Memorial Bridge.

About HB-2254

An Act designating a bridge on that portion of Pennsylvania Route 286 over the Two Lick Creek, Borough of Clymer, Indiana County, as the Corporal Louis R. Tate Memorial Bridge.


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