Employers - Health Crisis Hotline - Posting of Notice

HB 1109 Employers Health Crisis Hotline Posting of Notice

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Employers - Health Crisis Hotline - Posting of Notice

About HB-1109

Requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, in consultation with the Maryland Department of Health, to develop a notice of the Health Crisis Hotline; requiring an employer to keep the notice posted conspicuously at each place of employment; authorizing an employee of an employer who violates the posting requirement to file a complaint with the Commissioner; requiring the Commissioner to take certain actions on receipt of a complaint; authorizing the Commissioner to assess a penalty under certain circumstances; etc.


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Introduced 02/09/2019

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Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters


First Reading Economic Matters


Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m.
