Rebuild Rural America Act of 2021

S 486 Rebuild Rural America Act of 2021

US Congress 117th Congress

Rebuild Rural America Act of 2021

About S.486

A bill to amend the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to establish the Rural Innovation and Partnership Administration and to amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to establish the Rural Future Partnership Fund to invest in the rural areas of the United States to achieve their preferred future while maximizing their contribution to the well-being of the United States, and for other purposes.


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Introduced 03/23/2021

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Agriculture And Food Advanced Technology And Technological Innovations Agricultural Trade Air Quality Alternative And Renewable Resources Building Construction Business Investment And Capital Child Care And Development Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Community Life And Organization Congressional Oversight Cooperative And Condominium Housing Department Of Agriculture Disability And Paralysis Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Use Economic Development Education Programs Funding Elementary And Secondary Education Emergency Planning And Evacuation Employment And Training Programs Energy Efficiency And Conservation Energy Storage, Supplies, Demand Environmental Assessment, Monitoring, Research Environmental Technology Executive Agency Funding And Structure Farmland Food Assistance And Relief Government Information And Archives Government Lending And Loan Guarantees Government Trust Funds Hazardous Wastes And Toxic Substances Health Care Coverage And Access Health Facilities And Institutions Higher Education Housing And Community Development Funding Housing Finance And Home Ownership Housing Supply And Affordability Indian Social And Development Programs Infrastructure Development Internet And Video Services Land Use And Conservation Libraries And Archives Low- And Moderate-income Housing Manufacturing Mental Health National And Community Service Nutrition And Diet Outdoor Recreation Performance Measurement Pollution Liability Poverty And Welfare Assistance Public Transit Public-private Cooperation Regional And Metropolitan Planning Research Administration And Funding Residential Rehabilitation And Home Repair Rural Conditions And Development Small Business Small Towns Solid Waste And Recycling State And Local Government Operations Technology Transfer And Commercialization Telephone And Wireless Communication Transportation Programs Funding Unemployment Urban And Suburban Affairs And Development Water Quality Water Use And Supply Youth Employment And Child Labor Internet, Web Applications, Social Media