Relating to the surcharge for the disposal, and the remittance for the storage, of certain waste at the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility; decreasing the amount of the surcharge and changing how the surcharge and remittance are distributed.

SB 713 Relating to the surcharge for the disposal, and the remittance for the storage, of certain waste at the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility; decreasing the amount of the surcharge and changing how the surcharge and remittance are distributed

Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the surcharge for the disposal, and the remittance for the storage, of certain waste at the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility; decreasing the amount of the surcharge and changing how the surcharge and remittance are distributed.

About SB-713

Relating to the surcharge for the disposal, and the remittance for the storage, of certain waste at the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility; decreasing the amount of the surcharge and changing how the surcharge and remittance are distributed.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/06/2025

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