As enacted, reduces from three to one the number of copies of building and utility codes adopted by reference that must be maintained by county clerk for public use. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-102.

HB 1090 As enacted, reduces from three to one the number of copies of building and utility codes adopted by reference that must be maintained by county clerk for public use Amends TCA Section 5 20 102

Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As enacted, reduces from three to one the number of copies of building and utility codes adopted by reference that must be maintained by county clerk for public use. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-102.

About HB-1090

As enacted, reduces from three to one the number of copies of building and utility codes adopted by reference that must be maintained by county clerk for public use. - Amends TCA Section 5-20-102.


Bill Texts

Draft 12/10/2011

Draft 02/15/2011

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