Relating to the prevention of, reporting regarding, investigation of, prosecution of, criminal and civil penalties for, and other consequences of prostitution, trafficking of persons, and related criminal offenses, to treatment, services, and compensation available to victims of those offenses, and to orders of nondisclosure for certain persons who are victims of certain of those offenses.

SB 20 Relating to the prevention of, reporting regarding, investigation of, prosecution of, criminal and civil penalties for, and other consequences of prostitution, trafficking of persons, and related criminal offenses, to treatment, services, and compensation available to victims of those offenses, and to orders of nondisclosure for certain persons who are victims of certain of those offenses

Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

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Bill Texts

Introduced 03/07/2019

Comm Sub 03/18/2019

Engrossed 03/27/2019

Comm Sub 04/24/2019

Enrolled 05/27/2019

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