Education - English Learners and Dual Language Immersion Programs - Funding and Establishment (Multilingualism Is an Asset Act)

SB 882 Education English Learners and Dual Language Immersion Programs Funding and Establishment (Multilingualism Is an Asset Act)

Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Education - English Learners and Dual Language Immersion Programs - Funding and Establishment (Multilingualism Is an Asset Act)

About SB-882

Providing additional funding for certain English learners subject to certain conditions; establishing the Dual Language Immersion Program in the State Department of Education to develop, fund, implement, scale up, and sustain the expansion of research-based dual language two-way immersion programs in the State; requiring the Governor, in fiscal year 2025 and each fiscal year thereafter, to include $10,000,000 in the annual budget bill for dual language immersion grants under the Program; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/10/2023

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