Creates a tax credit for businesses that develop a "college to work" program, paying the tuition of individuals in exchange for the individual committing to work for the business after the individuals graduation from an institution of higher learning; provides the tax credit shall be for twenty-five percent of the individual's tuition expenses not to exceed five thousand dollars.

AB 4397 Creates a tax credit for businesses that develop a "college to work" program, paying the tuition of individuals in exchange for the individual committing to work for the business after the individuals graduation from an institution of higher learning; provides the tax credit shall be for twenty five percent of the individual's tuition expenses not to exceed five thousand dollars

New York 2011-2012 General Assembly

Creates a tax credit for businesses that develop a "college to work" program, paying the tuition of individuals in exchange for the individual committing to work for the business after the individuals graduation from an institution of higher learning; provides the tax credit shall be for twenty-five percent of the individual's tuition expenses not to exceed five thousand dollars.

About AB-4397

Creates a tax credit for businesses that develop a "college to work" program, paying the tuition of individuals in exchange for the individual committing to work for the business after the individuals graduation from an institution of higher learning; provides the tax credit shall be for twenty-five percent of the individual's tuition expenses not to exceed five thousand dollars.


Bill Texts

Introduced 05/27/2011

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