Concealed handguns; authorization and training for persons designated to carry on school property.

HB 1469 Concealed handguns; authorization and training for persons designated to carry on school property

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Concealed handguns; authorization and training for persons designated to carry on school property.

About HB-1469

Authorization and training for persons designated to carry concealed handguns on school property. Permits a school board or an administrator of a private school to designate one or more employees of the school who may carry a concealed handgun on school property. Any person designated to carry a concealed handgun must be certified and trained by the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety or the National Rifle Association in the storage, use, and handling of a concealed handgun. The bill also outlines the training requirements for designated persons to be established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 12/08/2016

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Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/17 17100701d


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