AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68, Chapter 120, relative to standards for roofs.

HB 801 AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68, Chapter 120, relative to standards for roofs

Tennessee 114th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68, Chapter 120, relative to standards for roofs.

About HB-801

As introduced, specifies that the International Energy Conservation Code's requirements for roof solar reflectance and thermal emittance for low-sloped roofs do not apply in this state. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 120.


Bill Texts

Draft 02/06/2025

Draft 02/04/2025

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HOUSE STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE: Rec. for pass. if am., ref. to Calendar & Rules Committee


Yeas: 18 | Nays: 0
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HOUSE CITIES & COUNTIES SUBCOMMITTEE: Rec for pass if am by s/c ref. to State & Local Government Committee


Yeas: 7 | Nays: 0
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