Recognizing the month of May 2016 as "Rainforest Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania and urging Commonwealth residents to become aware of the disappearing rainforests worldwide and to make choices that can lead to protection of those remaining areas.

HR 795 Recognizing the month of May 2016 as "Rainforest Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania and urging Commonwealth residents to become aware of the disappearing rainforests worldwide and to make choices that can lead to protection of those remaining areas

Pennsylvania 2015-2016 Regular Session

Recognizing the month of May 2016 as "Rainforest Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania and urging Commonwealth residents to become aware of the disappearing rainforests worldwide and to make choices that can lead to protection of those remaining areas.

About HR-795

A Resolution recognizing the month of May 2016 as "Rainforest Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania and urging Commonwealth residents to become aware of the disappearing rainforests worldwide and to make choices that can lead to protection of those remaining areas.


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House Floor: HR 795 PN 3123


Yeas: 196 | Nays: 0
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Introduced As Noncontroversial Resolution Under Rule 35
