Requires the board of regents to develop a civic curriculum of instruction in federal, state and local government to be taught to students in all schools in the state; permits commissioner of education to withhold apportionments of public monies to a school district or city for failure to provide instruction in such classes and to compel attendance upon such instruction and for non-compliance with the rules the regents adopted.

AB 7305 Requires the board of regents to develop a civic curriculum of instruction in federal, state and local government to be taught to students in all schools in the state; permits commissioner of education to withhold apportionments of public monies to a school district or city for failure to provide instruction in such classes and to compel attendance upon such instruction and for non compliance with the rules the regents adopted

New York 2009 General Assembly

Requires the board of regents to develop a civic curriculum of instruction in federal, state and local government to be taught to students in all schools in the state; permits commissioner of education to withhold apportionments of public monies to a school district or city for failure to provide instruction in such classes and to compel attendance upon such instruction and for non-compliance with the rules the regents adopted.

About AB-7305

The purpose of this bill is to ensure that students are educated regard- ing the functions of our federal, state, and local governments.


Bill Texts

Introduced 07/25/2010

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