Commending Center Rock, Inc., and its owner, Brandon Fisher, for the pivotal role they played in the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners on October 13, 2010, in Copiapo, Chile.

HR 1000 Commending Center Rock, Inc , and its owner, Brandon Fisher, for the pivotal role they played in the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners on October 13, 2010, in Copiapo, Chile

Pennsylvania 2009-2010 Regular Session

Commending Center Rock, Inc., and its owner, Brandon Fisher, for the pivotal role they played in the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners on October 13, 2010, in Copiapo, Chile.

About HR-1000

A Resolution commending Center Rock, Inc., and its owner, Brandon Fisher, for the pivotal role they played in the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners on October 13, 2010, in Copiapo, Chile.


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Introduced As Noncontroversial Resolution Under Rule 35
