Election Law - Failure to File Campaign Finance Report or Affidavit - Injunctive Relief

HB 1703 Election Law Failure to File Campaign Finance Report or Affidavit Injunctive Relief

Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Election Law - Failure to File Campaign Finance Report or Affidavit - Injunctive Relief

About HB-1703

Authorizing the chair and vice chair of the State Board of Elections to seek an injunction against a campaign or a candidate for a failure to file a certain campaign finance report, affidavit, or amended campaign finance report; authorizing a candidate to seek an injunction against another campaign or a candidate for a failure to file a certain campaign finance report, affidavit, or amended campaign finance report; establishing certain penalties for a person who violates a certain injunction; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/16/2018

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First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations
