Honoring the life and extending condolences for the supreme sacrifice of United States Marine Lance Corporal Joshua M. Martino, who tragically lost his life in service to our country on March 18, 2013, as a result of injuries sustained during a military training mission in Hawthorne, Nevada.

HR 755 Honoring the life and extending condolences for the supreme sacrifice of United States Marine Lance Corporal Joshua M Martino, who tragically lost his life in service to our country on March 18, 2013, as a result of injuries sustained during a military training mission in Hawthorne, Nevada

Pennsylvania 2013-2014 Regular Session

Honoring the life and extending condolences for the supreme sacrifice of United States Marine Lance Corporal Joshua M. Martino, who tragically lost his life in service to our country on March 18, 2013, as a result of injuries sustained during a military training mission in Hawthorne, Nevada.

About HR-755

A Resolution honoring the life and extending condolences for the supreme sacrifice of United States Marine Lance Corporal Joshua M. Martino, who tragically lost his life in service to our country on March 18, 2013, as a result of injuries sustained during a military training mission in Hawthorne, Nevada.


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Introduced As Noncontroversial Resolution Under Rule 35
