The establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to permit an employee to take family or medical leave; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty. (FE)

SB 215 The establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to permit an employee to take family or medical leave; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from rule making procedures; granting rule making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty (FE)

Wisconsin 2017-2018 Regular Session

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Introduced 04/20/2017

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