Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Celebrating Maryland Native Plants and Pollinators

HB 1102 Vehicle Laws Special Registration Plates Celebrating Maryland Native Plants and Pollinators

Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Celebrating Maryland Native Plants and Pollinators

About HB-1102

Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to develop and make available a specially designed registration plate celebrating Maryland native plants and pollinators; prescribing who may apply for and the classes of vehicles eligible for the registration plate; providing the manner in which fees will be established, collected, and distributed in connection with the registration plate; requiring the Administration to consult with the University of Maryland Extension Home & Garden Information Center on specified matters; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/11/2016

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Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation


Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Environment And Transportation
