SJR 108 Urges Commissioner of Corrections to resign or be removed for failure to protect Edna Mahan inmates, DOC to comply with Department of Justice recommendations, and Governor to transfer inmates
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session
Urges Commissioner of Corrections to resign or be removed for failure to protect Edna Mahan inmates, DOC to comply with Department of Justice recommendations, and Governor to transfer inmates.
About SJR-108
Urges Commissioner of Corrections to resign or be removed for failure to protect Edna Mahan inmates, DOC to comply with Department of Justice recommendations, and Governor to transfer inmates.
SJR-108: Urges Commissioner of Corrections to resign or be removed for failure to protect Edna Mahan inmates, DOC to comply with Department of Justice recommendations, and Governor to transfer inmates.
You have voted SJR-108: Urges Commissioner of Corrections to resign or be removed for failure to protect Edna Mahan inmates, DOC to comply with Department of Justice recommendations, and Governor to transfer inmates..