AB 210 Requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation (FE)
Wisconsin 2017-2018 Regular Session
Requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation. (FE)
About AB-210
An Act to amend 20.765
(3) (ka); and to create 13.94 (3m) of the statutes; Relating to: requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation
AB-210: Requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation. (FE)
You have voted AB-210: Requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation. (FE).