National Guard, Military Dept., Adjutant General, qualifications, general officers, confirmation required before end of next Reg. Sess., Secs. 31-2-58, 31-2-72 am'd.

SB 32 National Guard, Military Dept , Adjutant General, qualifications, general officers, confirmation required before end of next Reg Sess , Secs 31 2 58, 31 2 72 am'd

Alabama First Special Session 2016

National Guard, Military Dept., Adjutant General, qualifications, general officers, confirmation required before end of next Reg. Sess., Secs. 31-2-58, 31-2-72 am'd.

About SB-32

National Guard, Military Dept., Adjutant General, qualifications, general officers, confirmation required before end of next Reg. Sess., Secs. 31-2-58, 31-2-72 am'd.


Bill Texts

Introduced 08/15/2016

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Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Tourism And Marketing
