Certificate of public need; reports.

HB 2458 Certificate of public need; reports

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Certificate of public need; reports.

About HB-2458

Certificate of public need; reports. Makes changes to the Medical Care Facilities Certificate of Public Need Program. The bill (i) removes specialized centers or clinics or that portion of a physician's office developed for the provision of lithotripsy, magnetic source imaging (MSI), or nuclear medicine imaging from the list of reviewable medical care facilities; (ii) provides that establishment of a medical care facility to replace an existing medical care facility with the same primary service area does not constitute a project; (iii) removes introduction into an existing medical care facility of any new lithotripsy, magnetic source imaging, or obstetrical service that the facility has never provided or has not provided in the previous 12 months and addition by an existing medical care facility of any medical equipment for the provision of lithotripsy and MSI from the definition of project; (iv) creates a new process for registration of projects exempted from the definition of project by the bill; (v) establishes an expedited 45-day review process for applicants for projects determined to be uncontested or to present limited health planning impacts; (vi) renames the State Medical Facilities Plan as the State Health Services Plan and establishes a State Health Services Plan Advisory Council to provide recommendations related to the content of the State Health Services Plan; (vii) clarifies the content of the application for a certificate; and (viii) reduces the timeline for a person to be made party to the case for good cause from 80 calendar days to four days following completion of the review and submission of recommendations related to an application.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/20/2017

Comm Sub 01/31/2017

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Sponsors (1)


House: Reported from Health, Welfare and Institutions with substitute (14-Y 8-N)


Yeas: 14 | Nays: 8
Support by Party


House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (5-Y 0-N)


Yeas: 5 | Nays: 0
Support by Party


Sponsors by party


Bill Sponsors


Left In Appropriations


Committee Substitute Printed 17104600d-h1


Reported From Health, Welfare And Institutions With Substitute (14-y 8-n)


Referred To Committee On Appropriations


Assigned App. Sub: Health & Human Resources


Subcommittee Recommends Reporting With Substitute (5-y 0-n)


Assigned Hwi Sub: Subcommittee #3


Presented And Ordered Printed 17101219d


Referred To Committee On Health, Welfare And Institutions

