Labor; fair employment practices; employer taking adverse employment action against an employee who is absent from work; prohibit during a declared emergency. Creates new act.

HB 5799 Labor; fair employment practices; employer taking adverse employment action against an employee who is absent from work; prohibit during a declared emergency Creates new act

Michigan 100th Legislature

Labor; fair employment practices; employer taking adverse employment action against an employee who is absent from work; prohibit during a declared emergency. Creates new act.

About HB-5799

Labor; fair employment practices; employer taking adverse employment action against an employee who is absent from work; prohibit during a declared emergency. Creates new act.


Bill Texts

Introduced 05/20/2020

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Bill Electronically Reproduced 05/20/2020


Introduced By Representative Rachel Hood


Read A First Time


Referred To Committee On Commerce And Tourism


Bill Electronically Reproduced 05/20/2020
