Foreclosure Purchaser and Tenant - Evictions - Tenant's Right to Reclaim

SB 503 Foreclosure Purchaser and Tenant Evictions Tenant's Right to Reclaim

Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Foreclosure Purchaser and Tenant - Evictions - Tenant's Right to Reclaim

About SB-503

Requiring a sheriff or county official directed to evict a tenant to give notice to the purchaser and the tenant of the scheduled date of execution of the warrant of restitution; establishing that the tenant has the right to reclaim any personal property left in the premises within 3 full days after the eviction; specifying how the purchaser may secure the tenant's personal property; requiring the purchaser to allow the tenant to make reasonable arrangements to obtain and move the personal property; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/08/2011

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Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings Withdrawn


Hearing Cancelled


Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Judicial Proceedings
