Directs the state university trustees to promulgate and enforce a sweat-free code of conduct for the licensing and purchase of apparel at colleges and universities of the state university; requires provision in contracts with apparel manufacturers providing for the termination thereof if the manufacturer uses a sweatshop; requires that at least one member of the special task force on the apparel industry be a representative of the state university of New York.

AB 7376 Directs the state university trustees to promulgate and enforce a sweat free code of conduct for the licensing and purchase of apparel at colleges and universities of the state university; requires provision in contracts with apparel manufacturers providing for the termination thereof if the manufacturer uses a sweatshop; requires that at least one member of the special task force on the apparel industry be a representative of the state university of New York

New York 2009 General Assembly

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Amended 07/27/2010

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