Solidarity in Salary Act of 2019

HB 845 Solidarity in Salary Act of 2019

US Congress 116th Congress

Solidarity in Salary Act of 2019

About HB-845

Provides for withholding or eliminating the pay of Members of Congress, the President, and the Vice President during a government shutdown. For the 116th Congress, the bill requires the salaries of Members of Congress to be held in escrow during a government shutdown and to be released on the earlier of

  • (1) the date on which the government shutdown ends, or
  • (2) the last day of the Congress

Beginning with the 117th Congress, the bill prohibits Members of Congress from being paid for the period of a government shutdown. The bill also requires the salaries of the President and the Vice President to be held in escrow during a government shutdown and to be released on the earlier of

  • (1) the date on which the government shutdown ends, or
  • (2) the last day of the term of office of the President and Vice President during which the government shutdown begins.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/12/2019

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