Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act

S 2005 Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act

US Congress 114th Congress

Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act

About S.2005

Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act This bill amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act to declare that for any week in whole or in part within a month that an individual is paid or determined to be eligible for unemployment compensation he or she shall be deemed to have engaged in substantial gainful activity and so be disqualified from receiving Social Security disability benefits after a certain period has elapsed. States that, for purposes of determining services rendered by an individual during a period of trial work which will not disqualify the individual for disability benefits, the individual shall be deemed to have rendered services in a month if he or she is entitled to unemployment compensation or trade adjustment assistance for that month.


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Introduced 08/17/2015

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Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance.
