Real Property - Easements - Natural Gas Pipelines

SB 862 Real Property Easements Natural Gas Pipelines

Maryland 2013 Regular Session

Real Property - Easements - Natural Gas Pipelines

About SB-862

Requiring that an easement negotiated for the construction, operation, or maintenance of a natural gas pipeline be for a single pipeline and be limited in scope to the construction, operation, or maintenance of the pipeline; prohibiting a specified easement from authorizing the easement holder to use the easement, at a date in the future, for anything other than the construction, operation, or maintenance of the pipeline; and stating that an easement that does not meet the requirements of the Act is invalid.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/08/2013

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Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m.


Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings


First Reading Senate Rules
