Farm buildings and structures; building code exemptions. Requires farm buildings and structures where the public is invited to enter and that are used for storage, handling, production, display, sampling, or sale of agricultural, horticultural, floricultural, or silvicultural products produced on the farm and that are exempt from the Uniform Statewide Building Code (the building code) to have (i) portable fire extinguishers, (ii) a simple written plan in case of an emergency, and (iii) a sign posted in a conspicuous place upon entry that states that the building is exempt from the provisions of the building code. The bill also directs the Agritourism Event Structure Technical Advisory Committee to meet at least four times between the 2023 and 2024 Regular Sessions of the General Assembly and provides guidance to the Committee on topics to be considered related to fire safety and the welfare of the general public. Farm buildings and structures; building code exemptions. Requires farm buildings and structures where the public is invited to enter and that are used for storage, handling, production, display, sampling, or sale of agricultural, horticultural, floricultural, or silvicultural products produced on the farm and that are exempt from the Uniform Statewide Building Code (the building code) to have (i) portable fire extinguishers, (ii) a simple written plan in case of an emergency, and (iii) a sign posted in a conspicuous place upon entry that states that the building is exempt from the provisions of the building code. The bill also directs the Agritourism Event Structure Technical Advisory Committee to meet at least four times between the 2023 and 2024 Regular Sessions of the General Assembly and provides guidance to the Committee on topics to be considered related to fire safety and the welfare of the general public.