Relating to public school accountability, including certain performance standards and sanctions, to providing alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements, and to public school class size limits.

HB 3904 Relating to public school accountability, including certain performance standards and sanctions, to providing alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements, and to public school class size limits

Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to public school accountability, including certain performance standards and sanctions, to providing alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements, and to public school class size limits.

About HB-3904

Relating to public school accountability, including certain performance standards and sanctions, to providing alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements, and to public school class size limits.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/07/2019

Comm Sub 04/18/2019

Engrossed 05/05/2019

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