Creating the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act

HB 2519 Creating the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act

West Virginia 2015 Regular Session

Creating the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act

About HB-2519

The purpose of this bill is to adopt the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act. Under the proposed bill, any requirement of state law describing or requiring that a land record document be an original, on paper, or in writing are satisfied by a document in electronic form. In addition, any requirement that the document contain a signature or acknowledgment is satisfied by an electronic signature or acknowledgment. The bill authorizes the clerk to accept electronic documents for recording and to index and store those documents. The article does not provide a means of funding the establishment or operation of an electronic recording system. No single approach is recommended and in fact, the commissioners recognized that the best approach for a state may involve multiple systems. The bill requires the Real Property Electronic Recording Standards Council to develop a legislative rule containing standards for electronic recording to be used by each county. The standards are to be developed with a vision toward fostering intra-and interstate harmony and uniformity in the electronic recording process. The council will engage in a stakeholder type rule-making process to assure that all of the affected parties have the opportunity to participate in the process. This article is new; therefore, it has been completely underscored.


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