AB 741 Subpoenas and warrants requiring providers of electronic communications services or of remote computing services to provide customer information or disclose contents of wire or electronic communications
Wisconsin 2009-2010 Regular Session
Subpoenas and warrants requiring providers of electronic communications services or of remote computing services to provide customer information or disclose contents of wire or electronic communications.
About AB-741
An Act to amend 911.01
(4) (c), 968.27 (intro.), 968.27 (17) and 968.30 (10); and to create 968.27 (14g) and 968.375 of the statutes; relating to: subpoenas and warrants requiring providers of electronic communications services or of remote computing services to provide customer information or disclose contents of wire or electronic communications.
AB-741: Subpoenas and warrants requiring providers of electronic communications services or of remote computing services to provide customer information or disclose contents of wire or electronic communications.
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