Inclusion of recovery from bone marrow or organ donation surgery as a serious health condition for which an employee may take leave from employment under the family and medical leave law and prohibiting certain insurance practices on the basis of a person being a living organ donor or bone marrow donor. (FE)

SB 489 Inclusion of recovery from bone marrow or organ donation surgery as a serious health condition for which an employee may take leave from employment under the family and medical leave law and prohibiting certain insurance practices on the basis of a person being a living organ donor or bone marrow donor (FE)

Wisconsin 2015-2016 Regular Session

Inclusion of recovery from bone marrow or organ donation surgery as a serious health condition for which an employee may take leave from employment under the family and medical leave law and prohibiting certain insurance practices on the basis of a person being a living organ donor or bone marrow donor. (FE)

About SB-489

An Act to amend 103.10

  • (1) (g) (intro.), 625.12
  • (1) (e), 625.12
  • (2) and 628.34
  • (3) (a); and to create 631.97 of the statutes; Relating to: inclusion of recovery from bone marrow or organ donation surgery as a serious health condition for which an employee may take leave from employment under the family and medical leave law and prohibiting certain insurance practices on the basis of a person being a living organ donor or bone marrow donor



Bill Texts

Introduced 12/29/2015

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Failed To Pass Pursuant To Senate Joint Resolution 1


Representative Doyle Added As A Cosponsor


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Read First Time And Referred To Committee On Labor And Government Reform
