Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions

SB 137 Corporations Maryland General Corporation Law Miscellaneous Provisions

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Corporations - Maryland General Corporation Law - Miscellaneous Provisions

About SB-137

Clarifying voting procedures in certain cumulative voting elections; clarifying the term of a certain director of a corporation elected to fill a vacancy; altering the authority of certain holders of stock to take or consent to certain action; altering the circumstances in which certain holders of stock may take certain action or consent to a certain action by delivering a consent in writing or by electronic transmission; clarifying the time by which a parent corporation is required to provide a certain notice in a certain merger; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/22/2019

Engrossed 02/05/2019

Chaptered 05/13/2019

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