In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions and providing for disaster emergency declaration and for testing requirement, duty to report and public access; in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of department; and, in liability and settlement procedures, further providing for responsible person.

HB 603 In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions and providing for disaster emergency declaration and for testing requirement, duty to report and public access; in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of department; and, in liability and settlement procedures, further providing for responsible person

Pennsylvania 2023-2024 Regular Session

In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions and providing for disaster emergency declaration and for testing requirement, duty to report and public access; in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of department; and, in liability and settlement procedures, further providing for responsible person.

About HB-603

An Act amending the act of October 18, 1988 (P.L.756, No.108), known as the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions and providing for disaster emergency declaration and for testing requirement, duty to report and public access; in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of department; and, in liability and settlement procedures, further providing for responsible person.


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Referred To Environmental Resources And Energy
