Public Financing Act - Matching Fund Revisions (Maryland Fair Elections Act)

SB 415 Public Financing Act Matching Fund Revisions (Maryland Fair Elections Act)

Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Public Financing Act - Matching Fund Revisions (Maryland Fair Elections Act)

About SB-415

Requiring the Comptroller to distribute public contributions to a certain campaign finance entity established to receive public contributions for certain eligible candidates; requiring the State Board of Elections to make a certain determination regarding the balance of the Fair Campaign Financing Fund on or before a certain date in certain years; requiring the Governor, in fiscal year 2023, to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of at least $4,000,000 to the Fund; etc.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 06/14/2021

Enrolled 04/13/2021

Engrossed 03/19/2021

Introduced 01/21/2021

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