An Act To Amend Title 15 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Campaign Finance, Reporting, And Disclosure.

SB 224 An Act To Amend Title 15 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Campaign Finance, Reporting, And Disclosure

Delaware 148th General Assembly

An Act To Amend Title 15 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Campaign Finance, Reporting, And Disclosure.

About SB-224

This Bill requires political committees to report a contributor’s occupation and employment information. This is already a requirement in federal campaign finance law. If only a contributor’s name and address are disclosed (without occupation and employer), it is difficult to determine which industry, company, or group is funding a candidate. This will assist in furthering transparency and disclosure in the electoral process. It also addresses the obligation of the reporting candidate and treasurer.

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Reported Out Of Committee (administrative Services/elections) In Senate With 4 On Its Merits


Assigned To Administrative Services/elections Committee In Senate
