General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; penalties.

HB 1215 General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; penalties

Virginia 2010 Regular Session

General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; penalties.

About HB-1215

General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; penalties. Makes it a Class 6 felony to knowingly violate §30-103, which lists 11 categories of prohibited conduct for General Assembly members, if the violation involves a monetary value of more than $250. Current law makes a knowing violation of the Act a Class 1 misdemeanor.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/13/2010

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House: Left In Rules


House: Assigned Rules Sub: #4 Ethics (special)


House: Subcommittee Recommends Passing By Indefinitely By Voice Vote


House: Presented And Ordered Printed 10104034d


House: Referred To Committee On Rules
