Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act of 2021 Advanced Recycling Research and Development Act of 2021

HB 2153 Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act of 2021 Advanced Recycling Research and Development Act of 2021

US Congress 117th Congress

Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act of 2021 Advanced Recycling Research and Development Act of 2021

About HB-2153

To invest in basic scientific research and support technology innovation for the economic and national security of the United States, and for other purposes.


Bill Texts

Introduced 05/20/2021

Weigh In

Votes for: 0 Votes against: 1

Sponsors (17)

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Bill Sponsors

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Science, Technology, Communications Advanced Technology And Technological Innovations Air Quality Alternative And Renewable Resources American Samoa Asia Atmospheric Science And Weather Aviation And Airports Biological And Life Sciences Building Construction Cardiovascular And Respiratory Health Chemistry China Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Competitiveness, Trade Promotion, Trade Deficits Computer Security And Identity Theft Computers And Information Technology Congressional Oversight Department Of Commerce Department Of Energy Earth Sciences Education Programs Funding Electric Power Generation And Transmission Elementary And Secondary Education Emergency Medical Services And Trauma Care Employee Hiring Energy Efficiency And Conservation Energy Research Energy Storage, Supplies, Demand Environmental Assessment, Monitoring, Research Environmental Health Environmental Technology Executive Office Of The President Executive Agency Funding And Structure Foreign And International Corporations Government Employee Pay, Benefits, Personnel Management Government Information And Archives Government Studies And Investigations Government Trust Funds Guam Higher Education Hybrid, Electric, And Advanced Technology Vehicles Industrial Policy And Productivity Infectious And Parasitic Diseases Infrastructure Development Intellectual Property Intergovernmental Relations Internet And Video Services Licensing And Registrations Manufacturing Marine And Coastal Resources, Fisheries Marine Pollution Materials Medical Research Metals Mining Motor Carriers Motor Vehicles National Science Foundation Northern Mariana Islands Nuclear Power Photography And Imaging Public-private Cooperation Radiation Research Administration And Funding Research And Development Research Ethics Science And Engineering Education Social Work, Volunteer Service, Charitable Organizations Solid Waste And Recycling Strategic Materials And Reserves Student Aid And College Costs Teaching, Teachers, Curricula Technology Assessment Technology Transfer And Commercialization Transportation Employees Transportation Programs Funding Transportation Safety And Security U.s. Territories And Protectorates Virgin Islands Vocational And Technical Education Water Quality Internet, Web Applications, Social Media