Tourist Area and Corridor Program and Task Force on Attraction Signs

SB 34 Tourist Area and Corridor Program and Task Force on Attraction Signs

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Tourist Area and Corridor Program and Task Force on Attraction Signs

About SB-34

Establishing the Tourist Area and Corridor Program in the State Highway Administration to develop a system of supplemental guide signs that direct motorists to eligible attractions within a geographical area; requiring the Administration to adopt certain regulations; providing that certain individual attractions are eligible for a sign; establishing the Task Force on Attraction Signs to review and report its findings regarding program consolidation, streamlining certain processes, and potential funding by October 1, 2020; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/20/2018

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Unfavorable Report By Finance


Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m.


Reassigned To Finance


First Reading Budget And Taxation


