Constitutional amendments: state; requirement for individual to wear a face mask to enter certain facility; prohibit. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 29 to art. I.

HJR 0 Constitutional amendments: state; requirement for individual to wear a face mask to enter certain facility; prohibit Amends the state constitution by adding sec 29 to art I

Michigan 102nd Legislature

Constitutional amendments: state; requirement for individual to wear a face mask to enter certain facility; prohibit. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 29 to art. I.

About HJR-0

Constitutional amendments: state; requirement for individual to wear a face mask to enter certain facility; prohibit. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 29 to art. I.


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Introduced 05/16/2023

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Printed Joint Resolution Filed 05/17/2023


Printed Joint Resolution Filed 05/16/2023


Introduced By Representative James Desana


Read A First Time


Referred To Committee On Government Operations
