Helping Communities Rebuild After Deadly School Shootings and Other Traumatic Events Act

S 1025 Helping Communities Rebuild After Deadly School Shootings and Other Traumatic Events Act

US Congress 113th Congress

Helping Communities Rebuild After Deadly School Shootings and Other Traumatic Events Act

About S.1025

Helping Communities Rebuild After Deadly School Shootings and Other Traumatic Events Act - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to authorize the Secretary of Education to award grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to fund certain actions they deem necessary to improve the learning environment at a school that has experienced a violent or traumatic crisis on campus. Requires LEAs to use that grant to:

  • (1) acquire real property;
  • (2) construct new facilities; or
  • (3) renovate, repair, or alter existing facilities for an elementary and secondary school that has experienced such a crisis

Prohibits the grant from covering more than 50% of an LEA's cost in taking such actions.


Bill Texts

Introduced 05/31/2013

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Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions.
