Education - Dependent Children of Service Members - Advance Enrollment Procedures

HB 596 Education Dependent Children of Service Members Advance Enrollment Procedures

Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Education - Dependent Children of Service Members - Advance Enrollment Procedures

About HB-596

Requiring a county superintendent of schools to allow a certain dependent child of a service member to advance enroll in a school in the county in a certain manner; requiring the remote registration process to provide an opportunity for the service member or other parent or guardian of a dependent child with a disability to note whether the child has an individualized education program or a 504 plan in the sending state; and requiring the Secretary of Veterans and Military Families to publish information on advance enrollment.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 03/11/2025

Introduced 01/23/2025

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Bill Sponsors


Referred Education, Energy, And The Environment


Favorable With Amendments {803822/1 Adopted


Second Reading Passed With Amendments


Third Reading Passed (138-0)


Favorable With Amendments Report By Ways And Means


Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Ways And Means
