88R22349 AJZ-F By: Canales H.B. No. 3741 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the operation of a program by the Texas Department of Transportation to allow a real property owner to plant or replace vegetation in a right-of-way. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter C, Chapter 202, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 202.0585 to read as follows: Sec. 202.0585. VEGETATION IN RIGHT-OF-WAY. (a) Subject to Subsections (b) and (c), the department by rule shall develop and implement a program to allow an owner of real property abutting or adjoining property acquired by the department for the right-of-way of a road in the state highway system to: (1) plant vegetation or replace existing vegetation in the right-of-way if the owner determines that the new vegetation will enhance the aesthetic appeal of the property; or (2) replace existing vegetation in the right-of-way if the vegetation to be replaced reduces the visibility of the property. (b) The program may authorize an owner of real property described by Subsection (a) to plant or replace existing vegetation only in the right-of-way, including the outer separation, located within 500 feet of the property. (c) An owner of real property who plants or replaces vegetation in the right-of-way in accordance with this section: (1) is responsible for all costs associated with the planting or replacement of vegetation; (2) may only use plants that are native, regionally appropriate, and pollinator-friendly; and (3) may not interfere with any public utility infrastructure located in the right-of-way. (d) The rules adopted by the department under Subsection (a) may not impair or relinquish the state's right to use the right-of-way when needed to construct or reconstruct the road for which it was acquired. (e) Use by the owner of adjoining or abutting real property under this section is not abandonment of the right-of-way by the department. (f) This section does not require a utility, as defined by Section 203.091, that performs work in the right-of-way to replace vegetation or provide compensation to an owner of real property for replacing vegetation if the removal of vegetation is necessary to perform the work. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.