87R12499 LHC-D By: White H.B. No. 4076 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to a modernization plan for post-adjudication secure correctional facilities operated by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and a task force to evaluate those facilities. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 203, Human Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 203.020 to read as follows: Sec. 203.020. PLAN TO MODERNIZE SECURE FACILITIES. (a) In coordination with the regionalization plan described by Section 203.017, the department shall develop and implement a plan to modernize the secure facilities operated by the department under Subtitle C. (b) The plan must: (1) provide for methods to: (A) reduce the department's deferred maintenance costs; (B) increase the energy efficiency of secure facilities; (C) direct cost savings to pay for health care costs for children committed to the department; (D) increase staffing efficiency; and (E) increase correctional staff compensation; (2) identify options for the department to contract with private sector vendors to build and maintain secure facilities to be leased by the department; (3) require new facilities to meet the standards for secure correctional facilities published by the American Correctional Association; and (4) require that new facilities be designed to: (A) maximize the safety of correctional officers, facility staff, and children committed to the custody of the department; (B) comply with any court-ordered remedy; and (C) facilitate the rehabilitation and reintegration into society of children committed to the custody of the department. (c) In developing the plan, the department shall consult with stakeholders and experts. (d) New facilities built under the plan may only be named for juvenile correctional officers or staff who: (1) were killed in the course of their employment with the department; or (2) made significant contributions to public safety in this state. SECTION 2. (a) A task force is established under this section to conduct a thorough evaluation of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department's secure correctional facilities. (b) The governor shall appoint to the task force in a number that the governor deems sufficient: (1) members of the house of representatives and senate; (2) local government officials; and (3) juvenile justice stakeholders. (c) Not later than September 1, 2022, the task force shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the legislature recommendations regarding which secure correctional facilities operated by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department should be: (1) renovated and continued in operation as a secure correctional facility by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department; (2) renovated and used for a purpose other than a secure correctional facility by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department; or (3) repurposed by an entity other than the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. (d) The task force established under this section is abolished December 1, 2022. SECTION 3. Not later than January 1, 2022, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department shall develop the plan required by Section 203.020, Human Resources Code, as added by this Act. SECTION 4. As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act, the governor shall make appointments to the task force created by this Act. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.