By: Hughes S.B. No. 1387 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to an agreement with a private entity for dynamic message signs used in certain statewide alert systems. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. (a) This section takes effect only if the Act of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes becomes law. (b) Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter K-1 to read as follows: SUBCHAPTER K-1. DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGNS FOR ALERT SYSTEMS Sec. 411.301. DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGNS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), the Texas Department of Transportation shall enter into an agreement with a private entity to provide information necessary for statewide alert systems created under Subchapters L, M, P, P-1, and Q as added by Chapter 227 (H.B. 1769), Acts of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, through a system of dynamic message signs that are: (1) located across the state; and (2) capable of displaying digital images useful in locating the missing individual. (b) The agreement under Subsection (a) must generate net revenue to the state, and tax revenue may not be used to fund the installation and operation of the dynamic message signs described by Subsection (a). The Texas Department of Transportation may accept gifts and grants of money, equipment, or other resources necessary to install and operate the dynamic message signs described by Subsection (a). (c) The Texas Department of Transportation is not required to enter into an agreement under Subsection (a) if the department receives notice from the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration that the use of the dynamic message signs described by that subsection would result in the loss of federal highway funding or other punitive actions taken against this state due to noncompliance with federal laws, regulations, or policies. SECTION 2. (a) This section takes effect only if the Act of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes does not become law. (b) Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter K-1 to read as follows: SUBCHAPTER K-1. DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGNS FOR ALERT SYSTEMS Sec. 411.301. DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGNS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), the Texas Department of Transportation shall enter into an agreement with a private entity to provide information necessary for statewide alert systems created under Subchapters L, M, P, Q as added by Chapter 220 (H.B. 833), Acts of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, and Q as added by Chapter 227 (H.B. 1769), Acts of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, through a system of dynamic message signs that are: (1) located across the state; and (2) capable of displaying digital images useful in locating the missing individual. (b) The agreement under Subsection (a) must generate net revenue to the state, and tax revenue may not be used to fund the installation and operation of the dynamic message signs described by Subsection (a). The Texas Department of Transportation may accept gifts and grants of money, equipment, or other resources necessary to install and operate the dynamic message signs described by Subsection (a). (c) The Texas Department of Transportation is not required to enter into an agreement under Subsection (a) if the department receives notice from the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration that the use of the dynamic message signs described by that subsection would result in the loss of federal highway funding or other punitive actions taken against this state due to noncompliance with federal laws, regulations, or policies. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.