88R687 CAE-D By: Swanson H.B. No. 277 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. (a) Each county board of education, board of county school trustees, and office of county school superintendent in a county with a population of 3.3 million or more is abolished effective September 1, 2025, unless the continuation of the county board of education, board of county school trustees, and office of county school superintendent is approved by a majority of voters at an election held on the November 2024 uniform election date in the county in which the county board of education, board of county school trustees, and office of county school superintendent are located. Subsections (b)-(o) of this section do not take effect in a county if the continuation of the county board of education, board of county school trustees, and office of county school superintendent is approved at the election held in the county under this subsection. (b) Not later than January 1, 2025, a dissolution committee shall be formed for each county board of education or board of county school trustees to be abolished as provided by Subsection (a) of this section. The dissolution committee is responsible for all financial decisions for each county board of education or board of county school trustees abolished by this Act, including asset distribution and payment of all debt obligations. (c) A dissolution committee required by this Act shall be appointed by the comptroller and include: (1) one financial advisor; (2) the superintendent of the participating component school district with the largest number of students in average daily attendance or the superintendent's designee; (3) one certified public accountant; (4) one auditor who holds a license or other professional credential; (5) one bond counsel who holds a license or other professional credential; and (6) one person appointed by the commissioner of education. (d) A dissolution committee created under this Act is subject to the open meetings requirements under Chapter 551, Government Code, and public information requirements under Chapter 552, Government Code. (e) Members of a dissolution committee may not receive compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing the functions of the dissolution committee. (f) Subject to the other requirements of this Act, the dissolution committee shall determine the manner in which all assets, liabilities, contracts, and services of the county board of education or board of county school trustees abolished by this Act are divided, transferred, or discontinued. The dissolution committee shall create a sinking fund to deposit all money received in the abolishment of each county board of education or board of county school trustees for the payment of all debts of the county board of education or board of county school trustees. (g) The dissolution committee may employ one person to assist in the abolishment of the county board of education or board of county school trustees. (h) On September 1, 2025, the participating component school district with the largest number of students in average daily attendance has the right of first refusal to buy, at fair market value, the administrative building of the county board of education or board of county school trustees. (i) An ad valorem tax assessed by a county board of education or board of county school trustees shall continue to be assessed by the county on behalf of the board for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on any bonds issued by the county board of education or board of county school trustees until all bonds are paid in full. This subsection applies only to a bond issued before the effective date of this Act for which the tax receipts were obligated. On payment of all bonds issued by the county board of education or board of county school trustees, the ad valorem tax may no longer be assessed. (j) In the manner provided by rule of the commissioner of education, the county shall collect and use any delinquent taxes imposed by or on behalf of the county board of education or board of county school trustees. (k) The dissolution committee shall distribute the assets remaining after discharge of the liabilities of the county board of education or board of county school trustees to the component school districts in the county in proportionate shares equal to the proportion that the amount of money a district has submitted to the county board of education or board of county school trustees has to the total amount of money submitted by all districts. The dissolution committee shall liquidate board assets as necessary to discharge board liabilities and facilitate the distribution of assets. A person authorized by the dissolution committee shall execute any documents necessary to complete the transfer of assets, liabilities, or contracts. (l) The dissolution committee shall encourage the component school districts to: (1) continue sharing services received through the county board of education or board of county school trustees; and (2) give preference to private sector contractors to continue services provided by the county board of education or board of county school trustees. (m) The chief financial officer and financial advisor for the county board of education or board of county school trustees shall provide assistance to the dissolution committee in abolishing the county board of education or board of county school trustees. (n) The Texas Education Agency shall provide assistance to a dissolution committee in the distribution of assets, liabilities, contracts, and services of a county board of education or board of county school trustees abolished by this Act. (o) Any dissolution committee created as provided by this Act is abolished on the date all debt obligations of the county board of education or board of county school trustees are paid in full and all assets have been distributed to component school districts. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.