87R4665 JCG-D By: Guerra H.B. No. 1742 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the practice of dentistry and the provision of teledentistry dental services. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. The heading to Chapter 111, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 111. TELEMEDICINE, TELEDENTISTRY, AND TELEHEALTH SECTION 2. Section 111.001, Occupations Code, is amended by amending Subdivisions (1) and (3) and adding Subdivision (2-a) to read as follows: (1) "Dentist," "health [Health] professional," and "physician" have the meanings assigned by Section 1455.001, Insurance Code. (2-a) "Teledentistry dental service" means a health care service delivered by a dentist, or a health professional acting under the delegation and supervision of a dentist, acting within the scope of the dentist's or health professional's license or certification to a patient at a different physical location than the dentist or health professional using telecommunications or information technology. (3) "Telehealth service" means a health service, other than a telemedicine medical service or a teledentistry dental service, delivered by a health professional licensed, certified, or otherwise entitled to practice in this state and acting within the scope of the health professional's license, certification, or entitlement to a patient at a different physical location than the health professional using telecommunications or information technology. SECTION 3. Section 111.002, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 111.002. INFORMED CONSENT. (a) A treating physician, dentist, or health professional who provides or facilitates the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services shall ensure that the informed consent of the patient, or another appropriate individual authorized to make health care treatment decisions for the patient, is obtained before telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services are provided. (b) A dentist who delegates a teledentistry dental service shall ensure that the informed consent of the patient includes disclosure to the patient that the dentist has delegated the service. SECTION 4. Section 111.003, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 111.003. CONFIDENTIALITY. A treating physician, dentist, or health professional who provides or facilitates the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services shall ensure that the confidentiality of the patient's clinical [medical] information is maintained as required by Chapter 159, by Subchapter C, Chapter 258, or by other applicable law. SECTION 5. Section 111.004, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 111.004. RULES. (a) The Texas Medical Board, in consultation with the commissioner of insurance, as appropriate, may adopt rules necessary to: (1) ensure that patients using telemedicine medical services receive appropriate, quality care; (2) prevent abuse and fraud in the use of telemedicine medical services, including rules relating to the filing of claims and records required to be maintained in connection with telemedicine medical services; (3) ensure adequate supervision of health professionals who are not physicians and who provide telemedicine medical services; and (4) establish the maximum number of health professionals who are not physicians that a physician may supervise through a telemedicine medical service. (b) The State Board of Dental Examiners, in consultation with the commissioner of insurance, as appropriate, may adopt rules necessary to: (1) ensure that patients using teledentistry dental services receive appropriate, quality care; (2) prevent abuse and fraud in the use of teledentistry dental services, including rules relating to the filing of claims and records required to be maintained in connection with teledentistry dental services; (3) ensure adequate supervision of health professionals who are not dentists and who provide teledentistry dental services under the delegation and supervision of a dentist; and (4) establish that a dentist may delegate to and supervise through a teledentistry dental service not more than two health professionals who are not dentists. SECTION 6. The heading to Section 111.005, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 111.005. PRACTITIONER-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP FOR TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES OR TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES. SECTION 7. Section 111.005, Occupations Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (a) For purposes of Section 562.056, a valid practitioner-patient relationship is present between a practitioner providing a telemedicine medical service or a teledentistry dental service and a patient receiving the [telemedicine medical] service as long as the practitioner complies with the standard of care described in Section 111.007 and the practitioner: (1) has a preexisting practitioner-patient relationship with the patient established in accordance with rules adopted under Section 111.006; (2) communicates, regardless of the method of communication, with the patient pursuant to a call coverage agreement established in accordance with: (A) Texas Medical Board rules with a physician requesting coverage of medical care for the patient; or (B) State Board of Dental Examiners rules with a dentist requesting coverage of dental care for the patient; or (3) provides the telemedicine medical services or teledentistry dental services through the use of one of the following methods, as long as the practitioner complies with the follow-up requirements in Subsection (b), and the method allows the practitioner to have access to, and the practitioner uses, the relevant clinical information that would be required in accordance with the standard of care described in Section 111.007: (A) synchronous audiovisual interaction between the practitioner and the patient in another location; (B) asynchronous store and forward technology, including asynchronous store and forward technology in conjunction with synchronous audio interaction between the practitioner and the patient in another location, as long as the practitioner uses clinical information from: (i) clinically relevant photographic or video images, including diagnostic images; or (ii) the patient's relevant clinical [medical] records, such as the relevant medical or dental history, laboratory and pathology results, and prescriptive histories; or (C) another form of audiovisual telecommunication technology that allows the practitioner to comply with the standard of care described in Section 111.007. (b) A practitioner who provides telemedicine medical services or teledentistry dental services to a patient as described in Subsection (a)(3) shall: (1) provide the patient with guidance on appropriate follow-up care; and (2) subject to Subsection (d), if the patient consents and the patient has a primary care physician or a regular dentist, provide to the patient's primary care physician or regular dentist, as appropriate, within 72 hours after the practitioner provides the services to the patient, a clinical [medical] record or other report containing an explanation of: (A) the treatment provided by the practitioner to the patient; and (B) as authorized by the law under which the practitioner is licensed, certified, or otherwise permitted to provide the service, the practitioner's evaluation, analysis, or diagnosis[, as appropriate,] of the patient's condition. (d) A practitioner who provides teledentistry dental services to a patient as described in Subsection (a)(3): (1) on the date the practitioner first provides the teledentistry dental services, shall inform the patient of the limitation provided by Subdivision (2); and (2) may only provide teledentistry dental services with respect to the patient for 12 months unless: (A) a dentist performs an in-person tactile and visual examination of the hard and soft tissues of the patient's oral cavity; and (B) the practitioner receives notice of the examination described by Paragraph (A). SECTION 8. Section 111.006, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) The State Board of Dental Examiners and the Texas State Board of Pharmacy shall jointly adopt rules that establish the determination of a valid prescription in accordance with Section 111.005. Rules adopted under this subsection must allow for the establishment of a practitioner-patient relationship by a teledentistry dental service provided by a dentist to a patient in a manner that complies with Section 111.005(a)(3). The State Board of Dental Examiners and the Texas State Board of Pharmacy shall jointly develop and publish on each respective board's Internet website responses to frequently asked questions relating to the determination of a valid prescription issued in the course of the provision of teledentistry dental services. SECTION 9. Section 111.007, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 111.007. STANDARD OF CARE FOR TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES, TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES, AND TELEHEALTH SERVICES. (a) A health professional providing a health care service or procedure as a telemedicine medical service, a teledentistry dental service, or a telehealth service is subject to the standard of care that would apply to the provision of the same health care service or procedure in an in-person setting. (b) An agency with regulatory authority over a health professional may not adopt rules pertaining to telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services that would impose a higher standard of care than the standard described in Subsection (a). SECTION 10. Chapter 111, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Section 111.0075 to read as follows: Sec. 111.0075. LICENSING FOR TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES. A health professional providing a health care service or procedure as a teledentistry dental service is subject to the licensing requirements that would apply to the provision of the same health care service or procedure in an in-person setting. SECTION 11. Chapter 111, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Sections 111.009, 111.010, and 111.011 to read as follows: Sec. 111.009. CERTAIN PRESCRIPTIONS PROHIBITED. (a) In this section, "controlled substance" and "prescribe" have the meanings assigned by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code. (b) A dentist may not prescribe a controlled substance to a patient as a teledentistry dental service. Sec. 111.010. DENTIST'S DUTY REGARDING FOLLOW-UP CARE FOR ACUTE DENTAL CONDITION. (a) A dentist who treats a patient for an acute dental condition as a teledentistry dental service shall, not later than six weeks after the date of the service: (1) contact or attempt to contact the patient to schedule an in-person dental service for the patient in connection with the acute dental condition; or (2) refer the patient to another dentist for the service described by Subdivision (1). (b) A violation of Subsection (a) constitutes a ground for disciplinary action under Section 263.002. Sec. 111.011. STUDY AND REPORT. (a) The State Board of Dental Examiners shall study the extent to which teledentistry dental services may be used to substantially increase access to dental care for the children of low-income families, including the use of teledentistry dental services to perform a consultation before referring the child's parents or legal guardians to charitable organizations providing access to affordable dental care. (b) Not later than December 1, 2022, the board shall report the results of the study conducted under Subsection (a) to the standing committee of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over the board. (c) This section expires January 1, 2023. SECTION 12. Section 251.003, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) For purposes of this subtitle, a person located in another state practices dentistry in this state and is required to hold a license to practice dentistry in this state if the person through the use of any medium, including an electronic medium, performs an act that constitutes the practice of dentistry on a patient in this state. SECTION 13. Chapter 254, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Section 254.0035 to read as follows: Sec. 254.0035. RULES REGARDING CALL COVERAGE AGREEMENTS. The board shall adopt rules governing a call coverage agreement between dentists. SECTION 14. Section 258.001, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 258.001. IMPERMISSIBLE DELEGATIONS. A dentist may not delegate: (1) an act to an individual who, by board order, is prohibited from performing the act; (2) any of the following acts to a person not licensed as a dentist or dental hygienist: (A) the removal of calculus, deposits, or accretions from the natural and restored surfaces of exposed human teeth and restorations in the human mouth; (B) root planing or the smoothing and polishing of roughened root surfaces or exposed human teeth; or (C) any other act the delegation of which is prohibited by board rule; (3) any of the following acts to a person not licensed as a dentist: (A) comprehensive examination or diagnosis and treatment planning; (B) a surgical or cutting procedure on hard or soft tissue; (C) the prescription of a drug, medication, or work authorization; (D) the taking of an impression for a final restoration, appliance, or prosthesis; (E) the making of an intraoral occlusal adjustment; (F) direct pulp capping, pulpotomy, or any other endodontic procedure; (G) the final placement and intraoral adjustment of a fixed or removable appliance; or (H) the placement of any final restoration; or (4) the authority to an individual to administer a local anesthetic agent, inhalation sedative agent, parenteral sedative agent, or general anesthetic agent, including as a teledentistry dental service as that term is defined by Section 111.001, if the individual is not licensed as: (A) a dentist with a permit issued by the board for the procedure being performed, if a permit is required; (B) a certified registered nurse anesthetist licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing, only if the delegating dentist holds a permit issued by the board for the procedure being performed, if a permit is required; or (C) a physician anesthesiologist licensed by the Texas Medical Board. SECTION 15. Section 262.152, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 262.152. PERFORMANCE OF DELEGATED DUTIES. (a) Except as provided by Section 262.1515, a dental hygienist shall practice dental hygiene: (1) in the dental office of a supervising dentist licensed by the board; or (2) in an alternate setting, including a nursing home, the patient's home, a school, a hospital, a state institution, a public health clinic, or another institution, under the supervision of a supervising dentist. (b) For purposes of this section, a dental hygienist who practices dental hygiene as a teledentistry dental service, as defined by Section 111.001, is practicing in an alternate setting in compliance with Subsection (a)(2). SECTION 16. Section 562.056(c), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) For purposes of this section and Section 562.112, a valid practitioner-patient relationship is present between a practitioner providing telemedicine medical services or teledentistry dental services and the patient receiving the [telemedicine medical] services if the practitioner has complied with the requirements for establishing such a relationship in accordance with Section 111.005. SECTION 17. Section 531.001, Government Code, is amended by amending Subdivision (4-d) and adding Subdivision (6-a) to read as follows: (4-d) "Platform" means the technology, system, software, application, modality, or other method through which a health professional remotely interfaces with a patient when providing a health care service or procedure as a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service. (6-a) "Teledentistry dental service" has the meaning assigned by Section 111.001, Occupations Code. SECTION 18. Section 531.0216, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 531.0216. PARTICIPATION AND REIMBURSEMENT OF TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICE PROVIDERS, TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND TELEHEALTH SERVICE PROVIDERS UNDER MEDICAID. (a) The executive commissioner by rule shall develop and implement a system to reimburse providers of services under Medicaid for services performed using telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services. (c) The commission shall encourage health care providers and health care facilities to provide telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services in the health care delivery system. The commission may not require that a service be provided to a patient through telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services. (c-1) Subsection (c) does not prohibit the authorization of the provision of any service to a patient through teledentistry dental services if: (1) the patient requests the service; and (2) the provision of the service through teledentistry does not violate the standard of care applicable to the service. (c-2) The commission shall explore opportunities to increase STAR Health program providers' use of telemedicine medical services in medically underserved areas of this state. (d) Subject to Sections 111.004 and [Section] 153.004, Occupations Code, the executive commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to implement this section. In the rules adopted under this section, the executive commissioner shall: (1) refer to the site where the patient is physically located as the patient site; and (2) refer to the site where the physician, dentist, or health professional providing the telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service is physically located as the distant site. (f) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, the commission shall report to the speaker of the house of representatives and the lieutenant governor on the effects of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services on Medicaid in the state, including the number of physicians, dentists, health professionals, and licensed health care facilities using telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, telehealth services, or home telemonitoring services, the geographic and demographic disposition of the physicians, dentists, and health professionals, the number of patients receiving telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services, the types of services being provided, the cost of utilization, and the cost savings of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services to Medicaid. (g) The commission shall ensure that a Medicaid managed care organization: (1) does not deny reimbursement for a covered health care service or procedure delivered by a health care provider with whom the managed care organization contracts to a Medicaid recipient as a telemedicine medical service, a teledentistry dental service, or a telehealth service solely because the covered service or procedure is not provided through an in-person consultation; (2) does not limit, deny, or reduce reimbursement for a covered health care service or procedure delivered by a health care provider with whom the managed care organization contracts to a Medicaid recipient as a telemedicine medical service, a teledentistry dental service, or a telehealth service based on the health care provider's choice of platform for providing the health care service or procedure; and (3) ensures that the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services promotes and supports patient-centered medical homes by allowing a Medicaid recipient to receive a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service from a provider other than the recipient's primary care physician or provider, except as provided by Section 531.0217(c-4), only if: (A) the telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service is provided in accordance with the law and contract requirements applicable to the provision of the same health care service in an in-person setting, including requirements regarding care coordination; and (B) the provider of the telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service gives notice to the Medicaid recipient's primary care physician or provider regarding the [telemedicine medical service or telehealth] service, including a summary of the service, exam findings, a list of prescribed or administered medications, and patient instructions, for the purpose of sharing medical information, provided that the recipient has a primary care physician or provider and the recipient or, if appropriate, the recipient's parent or legal guardian, consents to the notice. (h) The commission shall develop, document, and implement a monitoring process to ensure that a Medicaid managed care organization ensures that the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services promotes and supports patient-centered medical homes and care coordination in accordance with Subsection (g)(3). The process must include monitoring of the rate at which a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service provider gives notice in accordance with Subsection (g)(3)(B). (i) The executive commissioner by rule shall ensure that a federally-qualified [federally qualified] health center as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(l)(2)(B) may be reimbursed for the originating site facility fee or the distant site practitioner fee or both, as appropriate, for a covered telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service delivered by a health care provider to a Medicaid recipient. The commission is required to implement this subsection only if the legislature appropriates money specifically for that purpose. If the legislature does not appropriate money specifically for that purpose, the commission may, but is not required to, implement this subsection using other money available to the commission for that purpose. (j) In complying with state and federal requirements to provide access to medically necessary services under the Medicaid managed care program, a Medicaid managed care organization determining whether reimbursement for a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service is appropriate shall continue to consider other factors, including whether reimbursement is cost-effective and whether the provision of the service is clinically effective. SECTION 19. The heading to Section 531.02162, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 531.02162. MEDICAID SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES, TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES, AND TELEHEALTH SERVICES TO CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS. SECTION 20. Section 531.02162, Government Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (b) The executive commissioner by rule shall establish policies that permit reimbursement under Medicaid and the child health plan program for services provided through telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services to children with special health care needs. (c) The policies required under this section must: (1) be designed to: (A) prevent unnecessary travel and encourage efficient use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services for children with special health care needs in all suitable circumstances; and (B) ensure in a cost-effective manner the availability to a child with special health care needs of services appropriately performed using telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services that are comparable to the same types of services available to that child without the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services; and (2) provide for reimbursement of multiple providers of different services who participate in a single session of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, [and] telehealth services, or any combination of those services, [session] for a child with special health care needs, if the commission determines that reimbursing each provider for the session is cost-effective in comparison to the costs that would be involved in obtaining the services from providers without the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services, including the costs of transportation and lodging and other direct costs. (d) The policies established under this section may authorize the provision of a service as a teledentistry dental service only if the provision of the service through teledentistry does not violate the standard of care applicable to the service. SECTION 21. Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 531.02172 to read as follows: Sec. 531.02172. REIMBURSEMENT FOR TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES. (a) The commission by rule shall require each health and human services agency that administers a part of the Medicaid program to provide Medicaid reimbursement for teledentistry dental services provided by a dentist licensed to practice dentistry in this state. (b) The commission shall require reimbursement for a teledentistry dental service at the same rate as the Medicaid program reimburses for the same in-person dental service. A request for reimbursement may not be denied solely because an in-person dental service between a dentist and a patient did not occur. The commission may not limit a dentist's choice of platform for providing a teledentistry dental service by requiring that the dentist use a particular platform to receive reimbursement for the service. (c) The State Board of Dental Examiners, in consultation with the commission and the commission's office of inspector general, as appropriate, may adopt rules as necessary to: (1) ensure that appropriate care, including quality of care, is provided to patients who receive teledentistry dental services; and (2) prevent abuse and fraud through the use of teledentistry dental services, including rules relating to filing claims and the records required to be maintained in connection with teledentistry dental services. SECTION 22. The heading to Section 62.157, Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 62.157. TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES, TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES, AND TELEHEALTH SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS. SECTION 23. Sections 62.157(a) and (b), Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) In providing covered benefits to a child with special health care needs, a health plan provider must permit benefits to be provided through telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services in accordance with policies developed by the commission. (b) The policies must provide for: (1) the availability of covered benefits appropriately provided through telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services that are comparable to the same types of covered benefits provided without the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services; and (2) the availability of covered benefits for different services performed by multiple health care providers during a single [telemedicine medical services and telehealth services] session of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, telehealth services, or any combination of those services, if the executive commissioner determines that delivery of the covered benefits in that manner is cost-effective in comparison to the costs that would be involved in obtaining the services from providers without the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services, including the costs of transportation and lodging and other direct costs. SECTION 24. Section 62.1571, Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 62.1571. TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES AND TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES. (a) In providing covered benefits to a child, a health plan provider must permit benefits to be provided through telemedicine medical services and teledentistry dental services in accordance with policies developed by the commission. (b) The policies must provide for: (1) the availability of covered benefits appropriately provided through telemedicine medical services and teledentistry dental services that are comparable to the same types of covered benefits provided without the use of telemedicine medical services and teledentistry dental services; and (2) the availability of covered benefits for different services performed by multiple health care providers during a single session of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or both services, if the executive commissioner determines that delivery of the covered benefits in that manner is cost-effective in comparison to the costs that would be involved in obtaining the services from providers without the use of telemedicine medical services or teledentistry dental services, including the costs of transportation and lodging and other direct costs. (c) [(d)] In this section, "teledentistry dental service" and "telemedicine medical service" have [has] the meanings [meaning] assigned by Section 531.001, Government Code. SECTION 25. The heading to Chapter 1455, Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 1455. TELEMEDICINE, TELEDENTISTRY, AND TELEHEALTH SECTION 26. Section 1455.001, Insurance Code, is amended by amending Subdivisions (1) and (3) and adding Subdivision (1-a) to read as follows: (1) "Dentist" means a person licensed to practice dentistry in this state under Subtitle D, Title 3, Occupations Code. (1-a) "Health professional" means: (A) a physician; (B) an individual who is: (i) licensed or certified in this state to perform health care services; and (ii) authorized to assist: (a) a physician in providing telemedicine medical services that are delegated and supervised by the physician; or (b) a dentist in providing teledentistry dental services that are delegated and supervised by the dentist; (C) a licensed or certified health professional acting within the scope of the license or certification who does not perform a telemedicine medical service or a teledentistry dental service; or (D) a dentist. (3) "Teledentistry dental service," "telehealth ["Telehealth] service," and "telemedicine medical service" have the meanings assigned by Section 111.001, Occupations Code. SECTION 27. Section 1455.004, Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1455.004. COVERAGE FOR TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES, TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES, AND TELEHEALTH SERVICES. (a) A health benefit plan: (1) must provide coverage for a covered health care service or procedure delivered by a preferred or contracted health professional to a covered patient as a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service on the same basis and to the same extent that the plan provides coverage for the service or procedure in an in-person setting; and (2) may not: (A) exclude from coverage a covered health care service or procedure delivered by a preferred or contracted health professional to a covered patient as a telemedicine medical service, a teledentistry dental service, or a telehealth service solely because the covered health care service or procedure is not provided through an in-person consultation; and (B) subject to Subsection (c), limit, deny, or reduce coverage for a covered health care service or procedure delivered as a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service based on the health professional's choice of platform for delivering the service or procedure. (b) A health benefit plan may require a deductible, a copayment, or coinsurance for a covered health care service or procedure delivered by a preferred or contracted health professional to a covered patient as a telemedicine medical service, a teledentistry dental service, or a telehealth service. The amount of the deductible, copayment, or coinsurance may not exceed the amount of the deductible, copayment, or coinsurance required for the covered health care service or procedure provided through an in-person consultation. (b-1) Subsection (b) does not authorize a health benefit plan to charge a separate deductible that applies only to a covered health care service or procedure delivered as a telemedicine medical service, teledentistry dental service, or telehealth service. (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a health benefit plan is not required to provide coverage for a telemedicine medical service, a teledentistry dental service, or a telehealth service provided by only synchronous or asynchronous audio interaction, including: (1) an audio-only telephone consultation; (2) a text-only e-mail message; or (3) a facsimile transmission. (d) A health benefit plan may not impose an annual or lifetime maximum on coverage for covered health care services or procedures delivered as telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services other than the annual or lifetime maximum, if any, that applies in the aggregate to all items and services and procedures covered under the plan. SECTION 28. Section 1455.006, Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1455.006. TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES, TELEDENTISTRY DENTAL SERVICES, AND TELEHEALTH SERVICES STATEMENT. (a) Each issuer of a health benefit plan shall adopt and display in a conspicuous manner on the health benefit plan issuer's Internet website the issuer's policies and payment practices for telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, and telehealth services. (b) This section does not require an issuer of a health benefit plan to display negotiated contract payment rates for health professionals who contract with the issuer to provide telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services. SECTION 29. Not later than March 1, 2022: (1) the State Board of Dental Examiners and the Texas State Board of Pharmacy shall jointly adopt rules as required by Section 111.006(c), Occupations Code, as added by this Act; (2) the State Board of Dental Examiners shall adopt: (A) rules necessary to implement Chapter 111, Occupations Code, as amended by this Act; and (B) rules as required by Section 254.0035, Occupations Code, as added by this Act; and (3) the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt rules as required by Section 531.02172, Government Code, as added by this Act. SECTION 30. If before implementing any provision of this Act a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the waiver or authorization is granted. SECTION 31. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2021. (b) Sections 1455.004 and 1455.006, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act, take effect January 1, 2022.