House Engrossed


technical correction; missing children

(now: missing children; reporting; requirements)





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session











amending title 8, chapter 4, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 8-526.01; repealing section 8-526.01, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to missing children.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 8, chapter 4, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 8-526.01, to read:

START_STATUTE8-526.01. Missing children; reporting requirements; definitions

A. For each six-month period beginning on January 1 or July 1, the department shall make available:

1. For runaway children, all of the following:

(a) The number of children who have run away at least once during the reporting period.

(b) An accurate representation of the distribution of the length of time missing of all children on runaway status during the reporting Period.

(c) The average number of days on runaway status of all children on runaway status.

(d) The number of children who have run away more than once during the reporting period.

(e) The age of children on runaway status.

(f) The placement location from which a child ran away, including all licensed foster homes, nonlicensed kinship placements, group homes or other placements.

(g) If available, the number of children on runaway status who were, at the time of running away, adjudicated as delinquent or incorrigible or were otherwise involved with the juvenile justice system.

(h) The number of runaway children who have been found during the reporting period.

2. For taken children, all of the following:

(a) The number of children who have been taken during the reporting period.

(b) An accurate representation of the distribution of the length of time missing of all children taken during the reporting period.

(c) The average number of days missing of all children taken during the reporting period.

(d) The number of children who have been taken more than once during the reporting period.

(e) The age of children who have been taken.

(f) The placement location from which a child was taken, including all licensed foster homes, nonlicensed kinship placements, group homes or other placements.

(g) The number of taken children who have been found during the reporting period.

3. For any other missing children, all of the following:

(a) The number of children who have gone missing during the reporting period.

(b) An accurate representation of the distribution of the length of time missing of all children who have gone missing during the reporting period.

(c) The average number of days missing of all children who have gone missing during the reporting period.

(d) The number of children who have gone missing more than once during the reporting period.

(e) The age of children who have gone missing.

(f) The placement location from which a child has gone missing, including all licensed foster homes, nonlicensed kinship placements, group homes or other placements.

(g) The number of other missing children who have been found during the reporting period.

B. The department shall do both of the following:

1. Make the information prescribed in subsection A of this section available within ninety days after the end of the reporting period.

2. Notify the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the governor each time the information prescribed in subsection A of this section is made available.

C. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Runaway status" means the status of a child who has voluntarily and without consent left the placement location without the intent to return.

2. "Taken child" means a child who has been taken, enticed or kept from the custody of the department. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Delayed repeal

Section 8-526.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, is repealed from and after December 31, 2025.

Sec. 3. Initial missing children report

The first reporting period for which the department of child safety shall make information available pursuant to section 8-526.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, is June 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.