89R8345 SCR-D By: Darby H.B. No. 2678 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the establishment of the Texas Advanced Nuclear Energy Authority and a Texas nuclear permitting officer. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 481, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter HH to read as follows: SUBCHAPTER HH. TEXAS ADVANCED NUCLEAR ENERGY AUTHORITY Sec. 481.701. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Authority" means the Texas Advanced Nuclear Energy Authority. (2) "Executive committee" means the executive committee of the authority. (3) "Fund" means the Texas Advanced Nuclear Innovation Fund. (4) "Institution of higher education" has the meaning assigned by Section 61.003, Education Code. Sec. 481.702. ESTABLISHMENT; PURPOSES. (a) The Texas Advanced Nuclear Energy Authority is established to strengthen and grow the nuclear industry in this state and to enable and accelerate the integration of advanced nuclear technology into the economy of this state. (b) The purposes of the authority are to: (1) leverage the expertise and capacity of institutions of higher education, industry, and regulatory stakeholders to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to ensure the development of advanced nuclear energy and technologies in this state; (2) identify obstacles and provide recommendations to the governor and legislature regarding advanced nuclear energy and technologies; (3) provide strategic leadership within the advanced nuclear reactor system in this state; (4) manage advanced nuclear energy and technology projects with a goal of interconnection of clean, dispatchable nuclear power from advanced nuclear reactors to the power grid of this state by 2035; (5) support existing advanced nuclear energy industries in this state and attract new advanced nuclear energy industry projects and partners to this state; (6) support the development of an advanced nuclear energy supply chain in this state; and (7) implement and build on the policy recommendations of the Texas Advanced Nuclear Reactor Working Group. Sec. 481.703. ADMINISTRATIVE ATTACHMENT. (a) The authority is administratively attached to the office of the governor. (b) The office shall provide the staff and facilities necessary to assist the authority in performing the authority's duties under this subchapter. Sec. 481.704. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMPOSITION. (a) The authority is governed by an executive committee composed of the following members: (1) three members appointed by the governor; (2) two members appointed by the lieutenant governor; (3) two members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; (4) the chancellor of The Texas A&M University System or the chancellor's designee; (5) the chancellor of The University of Texas System or the chancellor's designee; (6) the president of Abilene Christian University or the president's designee; and (7) one nonvoting student ambassador appointed by the members described by Subdivisions (4), (5), and (6). (b) In making appointments under Subsection (a), priority shall be given to individuals with experience in advanced nuclear energy research, technologies, and production. (c) In making appointments under Subsection (a), the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives shall coordinate to ensure that at least two representatives from the advanced nuclear energy industry with an established presence in this state are appointed to the executive committee. Sec. 481.705. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. (a) The executive committee shall hire an executive director. The executive director shall perform the duties required by this subchapter and any duty delegated by the committee. (b) The executive director must have a demonstrated ability to lead and develop academic, commercial, military, or governmental partnerships and coalitions. (c) The executive director may hire staff as necessary to implement the duties of the authority under this subchapter. Sec. 481.706. DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The executive committee shall: (1) develop and execute a comprehensive statewide strategic plan to further the objectives of the authority as established under Section 481.702; (2) solicit recommendations from stakeholders on funding and research opportunities related to advanced nuclear energy research, technologies, and production; (3) appoint and determine the salary for a nuclear permitting officer as required by Section 481.707; (4) administer any funds created by the legislature, including under Section 481.709, to support advanced nuclear capital projects, supply chain development, and other initiatives; and (5) prepare and submit the report required by Section 481.708. Sec. 481.707. NUCLEAR PERMITTING OFFICER. (a) The executive committee shall appoint a nuclear permitting officer. (b) The nuclear permitting officer must have a demonstrated familiarity with the permitting and regulatory process in this state and a developed network of contacts within the government of this state for the purposes of assisting businesses throughout the permitting and regulatory process. (c) The nuclear permitting officer shall: (1) act as a single point of contact for stakeholders during the nuclear energy permitting process; (2) identify active or likely siting opportunities and required permits and approvals for nuclear energy sites and key personnel; (3) provide tailored assistance to help industry navigate relevant local, state, and federal regulations and regulatory entities for nuclear facilities; and (4) share information regarding this state's economic incentive programs for nuclear energy research and production. (d) The nuclear permitting officer may enter into agreements with the office of the governor for staff support services to facilitate the work of the authority. Sec. 481.708. BIENNIAL REPORT. Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, the executive committee shall prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislative Budget Board a written report that outlines: (1) activities undertaken to meet the purposes of the authority under Section 481.702; (2) a summary of the funding and research opportunities identified under Section 481.706; (3) any legislative recommendations to further the purposes of the authority; (4) any prospective grants or funding the authority members expect to apply for or receive; and (5) any research accomplishments associated with the authority. Sec. 481.709. TEXAS ADVANCED NUCLEAR INNOVATION FUND. (a) The Texas Advanced Nuclear Innovation Fund is created as a dedicated account within the general revenue fund. The fund consists of: (1) gifts, grants, or donations to the fund; and (2) money from any other source designated by the legislature. (b) Money in the fund may be used to: (1) provide matching funding to state entities, including institutions of higher education, for advanced nuclear research and development projects; (2) award grants to business entities with an established presence in this state to encourage economic development related to advanced nuclear energy research, technologies, and production; and (3) subject to Subsection (c), pay for staff support services described by Section 481.707(d). (c) The authority shall request from the Legislative Budget Board approval to use money in the fund for the purpose described by Subsection (b)(3). A request under this subsection shall be considered approved on the 30th day after receipt by the Legislative Budget Board unless expressly disapproved. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.