Senators Bumstead, Lucido, Bizon, Wojno, Outman, Bayer, Victory, VanderWall and Hollier offered the following resolution:

Senate Resolution No. 64.

A resolution to recognize July 2019 as Michigan Wildlife Conservation Month.

Whereas, Michigans natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and plentiful waters are enjoyed from Belle Isle to Baraga by millions of residents and visitors, and should be preserved and protected for future generations; and

Whereas, Hunters and fishermen were among the first conservationists, pushing for active wildlife management and conservation to ensure wildlife would flourish forever; and

Whereas, Science-based wildlife management and conservation decisions such as actively enhancing habitat, monitoring wildlife populations, preventing the spread of disease, and regulating hunting and fishing seasons help balance our use of natural resources with the needs of Michigans wildlife; and

Whereas, As a result of these protections, regulations, and extensive conservation efforts, Michigan populations of elk, wild turkey, white-tailed deer, lake sturgeon and many other species have rebounded from near extinction; 11,000 inland lakes and 36,000 miles of rivers and streams are safeguarded from invasive species; abundant wildlife habitat and wildfire risk are improved by forest management; and

Whereas, July 1, 2019, marks the eighty-first anniversary of the effective date for the Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, which provides funding for wildlife management projects across the nation through the purchase of hunting equipment; and

Whereas, Hunting and fishing licenses, not state taxes, provide tens of millions of dollars each year for wildlife conservation; and

Whereas, Annually, hunters and anglers contribute $11.2 billion to Michigans economy and create 171,000 jobs, making those combined activities one of the states top 10 job-creating industries, according to a recent study by the Michigan United Conservation Clubs;and

Whereas, This resolution coincides with the fifth anniversary of the creation of the Michigan Wildlife Council, a bipartisan-approved panel entrusted with educating the public about the importance of wildlife management in preserving Michigans outdoor heritage for future generations; and

Whereas, In large part because of the councils activities, more Michiganders than ever before are aware of the essential role hunting and fishing play in conserving, managing, and protecting Michigans wildlife; now,therefore, beit

ResolvedbytheSenate, That themembers ofthis legislative body recognize July 2019 as Michigan Wildlife Conservation Month; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Michigan Wildlife Council.